Thursday, December 08, 2005

-- My Christmas Wish List --

Dear Santa, I have a short Christmas list this year, please do what you can:

1) New hiking boots
2) An Ivory-bill roosthole found in the Big Woods of Arkansas with a pair of birds photographed/videotaped by either Jerry Jackson or David Luneau (they deserve it), and other Ivory-bills spotted in Florida, Louisiana, and Mississippi (...for starters). Safety, warmth, good health, and hot baths for all the staff and volunteers involved, and
give Gene Sparling WHATEVER he wants.
3) Chocolate
4) World peace
5) a nice slab of Crow baked and fricasseed to perfection for Tom Nelson for Christmas dinner.

Thanks, (please do your best -- but I do have a birthday in February, so some of these things can wait, if necessary... well, not the chocolate).

(p.s., I was a good boy for most of the year...)

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