Monday, November 09, 2009

-- On the Lighter Side --


Don't know if it's because we now have a commenter named "spatuletail" or just coincidence, but a reader sends me this link to wonderful video of the Peruvian spatuletail hummingbird (from BBC and the incomparable David Attenborough). Enjoy... :

I'll probably review the last Pearl video again on a larger computer screen this afternoon (not expecting my conclusions to change though), and likely won't be back at my own computer before 3 or 4 pm today (EST), so in the unlikely event that any news would break you may want to keep in touch with Bill P.s site, Mike's site, or IBWO BirdForum (guessin' there will be ongoing discussion, but no major new news; links below provided as needed for quick access, or of course folks can carry on discussion here as well):

Bill Pulliam:

Mike Collins:

IBWO ResearchersForum:


FAV said...

Hello spatuletail hummingbird. what are you getting for the wing beat Hz on the 11.5 tape in the two seperate segments created when extracting out the bounding frames ?

What are you getting for RHWO Hz with your own research?


FAV said...

11-3 Bird flying towards camera and 11-5

In some frames white appears where no white or that much white is in any of the peritnent species of Picidae. On some early frames the majority of the bird, dorsally, is white. The distal half of the wings show extensive white inclusive of the subject Picidae have any white in P4 to P10 besides the Pileated. The white shown in most of the primaries in certain frames is 100% artifact or less if it is a Pileated.

In the frames that seem to portray actual plumage there is strong hint of the dorsal, white wing crescent and on the ventral wing, a Pileated pattern. Glare, translucence, white bleed, pixilation, wing blur, occluding leaves, and the oblique angle make it difficult to make this video conclusive to species but I see nothing screaming or whispering IB.

If size confirmation infers the birds wing span is ~ 29 in. it would be difficult to determine conclusively which of the two species it is. But I see mainly PIWO.

If size confirmation says the span is less than 20 inches consider yourself lucky, with time saved.

On the 11-5 video, there are 2 adjustments that must be done to make useful any body length to wing span comparison ratios, briefly dabbled in days ago. If there is a reason to work on that further I will.

One adjustment involves wing angle at apex....I have ~ 12 in flight videos of RHWO and they seem to show that the species does not break the 45 to 50 degree angle on the upstroke.

tks FV

concolor1 said...

Boy, I just read Mike's latest entry, and I had to check with the weather channel to see if he was just using a metaphor or if there really was a storm coming in . . .

You folks down in that neck of the woods, button up, okay?

Unknown said...

FV, in the November 5th video the broad white trailing edge of the wing is consistently and readily apparent both with the wing extended upward and downward. Since it is in view with the wing in the downward position (and with the rest of the wing appearing black), that would indicate actual colors as opposed to translucence. I don't see any frames in which it appears that white extends through the outer primaries, which would be inconsistent with any North American Picidae.

For the November 5th video (which I think people are focusing on since it is the highest quality), the confusion species is Red-headed. Obviously a size estimate there would be extremely helpful in identifying that bird.

FAV said...

Emu you have 11/5 mentioned twice. ??

If you meant 11/3 in first paragraph then: In the early few wing cycles of the clip there is extensive white in the wing tips and bird where there shouldn't be. Most of the dorsal side of the bird is white in a few frames. In the video there are hundreds of vegetated areas that are reflecting white light also.

Which way is the bird's bill tip pointing in your interpretation?

I find the bird flying as if it has hit a cross wind....the long axis of the bird is not parallel with the direction the bird is moving in.

You say,
>>>Since it is in view with the wing in the downward position (and with the rest of the wing appearing black), that would indicate actual colors <<<<

Before taking into account the time and by inferance the sun angle, I wouldn't be too quick with assumptions in the 11/3 video which has lots of "noise" from many sources, is short and at a bad angle.


Unknown said...

FV, the first time I read your post I missed that you were talking about the 11/3 video for most of the post, so we are basically talking about different videos. I haven't bothered with the 11/3 video because there is more detail and better angles in the 11/5 video.

spatuletail said...

From Dan Lane on Frontiers:

>Clip 1:� A Red-headed Woodpecker (one
can see the white at the base of the tail).

>Clip 2:� Not much to see on this one,
but my gut says "Belted Kingfisher"

>Clip 3:� That flat-winged glide has
Anhinga written all over it...