Friday, November 27, 2009

-- Flying Far Afield --


Just an upbeat report on the California Condor recovery program below. It's an 11-minute clip, but I've only really selected it because of a couple off-hand, interesting comments within the first 2 minutes, when a participant mentions that the first captive-bred birds let loose in Arizona initially flew 300-400 miles away (to Wyoming), and no one knows why, before returning and establishing a territory. ...If young Ivory-bills routinely flew even half that far when dispersing it might help explain some of the geographically-disparate claims made for IBWOs over decades (of course, comparing IBWOs to Condors may make no sense at all from the get-go!):



concolor1 said...

Three or four hundred miles?

Dadblasted Easterners never have any concept of geography out here in the Wild West (smiley emoticon). It's 313 miles from Salt Lake to St. George alone (still in Utah), and Evanston, Wyoming is 90 miles further up the road in the Sweetwater County corner of Cheney land.

It could've easily been closer to five hundred or even more . . .

Happy holidays, everyone . . .

Jochen said...

With the re-introduction of Bearded Vultures to the Alps (people think there's a connection, although I don't think it is proven), immature birds started to be seen quite regularly (well, around 1 each year, which is a lot for the small Alpine population) in the lowlands along the North and Baltic sea coasts.
Now, Bearded Vultures are birds of very high mountain ranges and the coastal areas are as low and as flat as it gets on this planet, so this was extremely unusual.
The birds apparently all returned eventually, and historic records of Bearded Vultures very far from their known home range are now seen less critical then they were before.
This however is something I learned through "birder gossip", so I can't cite any scientific source.