Wednesday, January 24, 2024

-- Let's Go To The Movies!! -- +Addendum


There have been some independent IBWO movies in the past, and now a new "short" is about to premier, Feb. 18, at the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival (Missoula, Montana) based on the life and times (so-to-speak) of National Aviary searcher Mark Michaels:

Hopefully, there will be a future list of other indie venues or sites it will be available at.

....Speaking of Ivorybill movies... I’ve previously had the idea for a major IBWO movie made for the big screen, so without further adieu my choices for some major players and who ought play them in the film…:  ;)

Bobby Harrison………… …………Sean Penn

Chuck Hunter ............................... Dustin Hoffmann

Cyberthrush…………………………… Brad Pitt

David Luneau …………… ……….Leonardo DiCaprio 

David Sibley……………..… ……..Steve Carrell

Fred Virrazzi …………………………. Jim Carrey

Gene Sparling………………………….Robert De Niro

Geoff Hill ……………………………… Kevin Costner

Jerry Jackson ……………………….. George Clooney

John Fitzpatrick ……………………. Tom Hanks

Mark Michaels ………………………… Matt Damon

Martjan Lammertink………………….Arnold Schwarzenegger

Matt Courtman……………………….. Harrison Ford

Mike Collins ………………………….. Mickey Rourke

Steve Latta……………….………… Matthew Broderick

Tim Gallagher………………………..Tom Cruise

USFWS ……………………………….. Ministry of Silly Walks

Waitress at the Ivory-bill Cafe, Brinkley, Ark.......Jennifer Lawrence 

...and extras (mostly for roles of skeptics): Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, John Cleese, Larry David, Adam Sandler, Rowan Atkinson.…

….Yo, Spielberg, can you front me a couple $$million to get this blockbuster off the ground???



This turns out to be a two-fer day for Mark Michaels as he has a second posting on his blog today in addition to the one above. The second offering is unrelated to the upcoming film, and instead focuses on how the earlier controversy over Cornell’s Big Woods findings/arguments weighed heavily on the reception of the Project Principalis published work in Louisiana:



Anonymous said...

What weighs heavy on PP paper is there are footage of pileated with high light contrast , but still shows black trailing edges , vs a pileated taken with low contrast.

As well as juvenile red heads. But nothing indicating even blurry field marks of an IB and this paper and group is a farce . It is time for the usfw to delist the species until concrete proof and range is established so we do not have a repeat of Grand Prairie and undue influence or conservation from a team now currently trying to market a documentary and influence conservation outcomes unjustly with an unscientific concluded paper . That paper unwarranted passing any peer review.

Anonymous said...

There is zero evidence of that species in kisatchie national forest the location of their claimed study area. usfw should authorize an independent team to be sent in at this point to validate or disprove these claims from the group.