Friday, February 29, 2008

-- Leap Day --


First, a quick note re: the Great Horned Owl webcam in California I linked to awhile back. Mama Owl has been diligently sitting on 3 eggs for several weeks and the first baby ought to hatch out any day now, so you may enjoy monitoring the festivities and childrearing as they unfold here:

Been over a month since Cornell's last updates, and approaching two months since an Auburn update. In the past, some have hoped that such time lapses might imply SOMEthing significant happening, but I've heard nothing positive coming from Arkansas quarters, and usually such previous silences merely reflected a lack of anything worth reporting. Would be nice to know exactly WHERE Cornell's Mobile Team unit is at this point, though.

Anyway, lack of news gives me more time to clutter up the left-hand margin of the blog with more schtuff. So I've added a very short blogroll of the following bird/nature blogs which I check in on semi-regularly (and BTW, most of these DON'T share my opinion on the IBWO):

John Trapp's blog remains a favorite of mine for it's quirky, unpredictable subject matter and style. Not the standard sort of bird blog, so won't be everyone's cup-of-tea, but then that's what I like about it. Also contains a useful, extensive blogroll of other bird sites.

"Mike's Birding and Digiscoping Blog," another of my favorites and widely-read around the Web; hardly needs mention here. It's title however may scare off some who have no interest in digiscoping, so worth noting that Mike covers a lot more than optics and photography at his site, though many especially seek his advice in those areas. His digiscoped pictures are always a delight, but my own favorite posts are his thoughtful word essays on birds and our relationship to them. Enjoy...

A relatively new, and somewhat oddly-titled blog; focuses a lot on North Carolina birding, somewhat limiting its audience (but does touch on other subjects), and the writing is consistently excellent and witty. Worth a read, just for the wordsmithing (
as well as good info available), if you've never stopped by before.

If you love British humor (and don't all Americans!?) British scientist/birder Martin Collinson gives you a serving of it every week on his blog. As a British site, his precise subjects may not always be of interest to American readers, but his style will usually plant a smile on your face.

Not a bird blog, but writer Julie Dunlap's "pinesabovesnow" blog (the title being a phrase from Aldo Leopold) focuses on good nature writing to recommend to its readers. Something I for one can't get too much of.

Have just added John Riutta's 'Born Again Bird Watcher' blog to the mix. Why not! Again, a blog that hits upon slightly different topics from the more standard bird-news blogs.

And then below the brief blogroll I've also listed a few commercial sites on the Web, of possible interest to readers.

hmmmm... maybe next I'll add a daily Sudoku puzzle. . . .


Nate said...

Hey cyberthrush-

Thanks for the plug! Though I may not agree with you about IBWOs, yours is certainly the only place to find current info now that Tom Nelson has apparently gone mad with power.

Anonymous said...

Tom Nelson has "gone mad with power?" It's not simply power; his views are now clearly bought and paid for. How else does one manage to blog continually day in and day out? Check the frequency of his entries since last year fall. Someone is paying him--and quite well, no doubt. One day he will become bored with his new topic, too. Poor soul.

cyberthrush said...

I don't doubt Tom has spiraled into lunatic fanaticism, egged on by corporate interests, but whether or not he's a 'bought and paid for' tool, I wouldn't speculate. There are other possible explanations for his hourly harangues.

Nate said...

Well, it was a joke for starters. Hyperbole. So lighten up just a tad.

I doubt someone is paying him, there's not as much content as much as links to content, though admittedly I haven't been there in a long time.

While I agreed with the content of his IBWO takes (if not always the means), the climate change denial certainly rubs wrong. And the fact that one has to scroll through pages of filler to find anything interesting is annoying more than anything.

Just my $.02, take it or leave it.

Max said...

Thanks for the link to the owl cam! It much better than the view I have of our local GHOW nest.

John L. Trapp said...

Thanks for the kind words, ct! I guess I just must have been born quirky. Even though I find it difficult to generate any optimism for the continued existence of the IBWO, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog, so keep up the good work.

pinenut said...

Thanks for mentioning pinesabovesnow (including where the name's from), and thanks for your great book recommendations. I'm glad good nature books are easier to find than ivory bills!

Anonymous said...

Regarding Tom Nelson's apparent employment, simply count the number of blog entries today (March 11) and consider the interval between them. C'mon.

Anonymous said...

The sheer quantity of posts at Tom's site is staggering! I haven't bothered to count but I think it could well be 50-100 per day. Unless he is independently wealthy or has an unrelated job where he has free time to blog throughout the day, somebody is paying for his lobbying.