Tuesday, February 12, 2008

-- Tongue-in-cheek? --


Quote from an interview with Pete Dunne last month on "wildbirdonthefly" blog:

"Do Ivory-billed Woodpeckers still exist?"
"I don't know. They did a couple of years ago. Haven't heard anything lately; have you?"

....and surprise, surprise, he's working on a new book or two or three or more....


Other Webfare: If you're a layperson who enjoys physics one of the best blogs out there is 'cocktailpartyphysics' by, of all things, a former English major turned science writer. The posts are long (by blog standards) but consistently well-written and engaging.

...but hey I suspect more of you are into birding than physics, so you may wish to check out this new site, referenced by John Trapp recently:


Very good initial broadcast by Steve Moore covering a lot of ground from a recent Birdwatch America trade show (~ 45 mins. long); may be a little too commercial for some people's tastes, but generally very good. Will look forward to future segments. Some shorter and quite varied bird-oriented broadcasts come from NPR via this site I also only recently learned of:



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