Monday, August 29, 2005

-- AOU Summation --

One of "Birder's World Magazine's" web forums today has a concise summary of Cornell's Ron Rohrbaugh's answers to some of the AR. IBWO skepticism at:

...I would add one further thought as follows: Do the skeptics truly realize what they're asking people to believe? -- according to them, an oddball leucistic Pileated inhabits the Big Woods forest; yet in 20,000+ man-hours of searching over a 14-month period, NOT a single birder (many very experienced) EVER, EVER reported seeing such an oversized, symmetrically-plumaged bird; but we are told to believe that it WAS in fact spotted 15 or more times (from different angles, heights, distances, times-of-day) and in EVERY single instance mistaken for an Ivory-bill. What are the chances...?

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