Monday, August 01, 2005

AOU Meeting This Month

The American Ornithological Union holds its annual meeting later this month in Santa Barbara, Ca. with various expected updates to the Arkansas IBWO sightings including further evidenciary material to be presented. Possibly, any remaining controversy will already be resolved by then (in the IBWO's favor!), or the skeptics/detractors and believers can thrash it out face-to-face there. So far still no sign of the critical paper at the Public Library of Science website where it is s'posed to appear.
IBWO searcher David Luneau now has a DVD version of his Ivory-bill film clip (in varying formats) from Cache River available for purchase at his website.
....Ohhhh, and if you want a cooo-oool Ivory-bill ballcap visit Mary Scott's website ( to order!

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