Just a couple of misc. bird stories today:
First, news making ornithological rounds lately of a new species of storm petrel recently discovered off the coast of Chile:
Given the still somewhat fluid scientific definition of "species," and sheer volume of earthly habitat, one suspects there could be plenty more "new" avian species still to be found or "split" off from others, but this is the current one du jour.
More fascinating for me, was this morning's NPR report from the always wonderful** Robert Krulwich on a couple of flamingos that 'fell out' of the sky in Siberia one year apart back in 2003 and 2004 (...that's right I said FLAMINGOS), and lived to tell about it... or at least get reported on by NPR. Really, a quite fascinating story --- give it a listen or read if you missed it (I'd never heard this report before, nor had I ever heard of "reverse migration" as discussed therein) :
** that's right JP, I said always wonderful (....inside joke)