Wednesday, May 02, 2007

-- A Reader's Thought --

I thought I'd heard it all before, but today a reader sends in this simple thought I can't recall ever running across:
"Your message today about numerous vast areas
for searching brings me back to an idea I
have had a long time, the use of dogs
trained by scent to search large areas for
the IB. I know from personal experience a dog
can quickly make the invisible appear.
Goodness knows there are too many
stuffed specimens from which to get
the scent. A dog multiplies the searching
power of human by one thousand percent."
I can't imagine this is practical or someone would've considered it before now, and I'm doubtful a dog can pick up a scent from a decades-old museum specimen, but what do I know... Any thoughts from folks who know about such matters? There's also the whole issue of dogs making their way through very brushy and/or swampy habitat I s'pose.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

-- Sooo Many Places... --

Skeptics will have a field day if no solid new IBWO evidence arises by the end of May following this year's searches. Of course just a few years ago this year's two areas of greatest focus, the Big Woods and Choctawhatchee, weren't even on the Ivory-bill radar, though many other areas were. Moreover, I continue to hold the somewhat contrarian view that, for multiple reasons, the Congaree (S.C.) and Texas Big Thicket are not likely to yield IBWOs either --- but the point is that there remain so many other areas in need of thorough searches in other states. Why the Cornell Mobile Team spent no time in Fla. outside of the Panhandle I can't fathom, nor the short shrift they gave to Mississippi --- but of course they had limited time to briefly explore some widely spread out areas.

Over a year ago Bill Pulliam posted a state-by-state listing (
and he didn't do all pertinent states) of areas that he deemed potentially IBWO-worthy using Terraserver. My own belief continues to be that Fla., MS., and La. are the states of greatest immediate interest (though there are several others).
Below are just the listings Bill came up with at the time for Florida and Mississippi (I have copied them verbatim, but you can go to his site here to review both these two states and the others he analyzed). In short, there is much exploration still needed, and of these locales I wouldn't even be focussing necessarily on the ones of best habitat, but rather on the locales of least frequent human use or trafficking:

Just the major areas; there are hundreds of small batches of nice bottomlands

Pensacola Bay tributaries --

1. Escambia River (entire length) quite nice
2. Yellow River (entire length) plus Titi Creek and lower Shoal River
3. East Bay River

Others --

4. Choctawhatchee River (entire length) plus Pine Log
5. Appalachicola River, entire length but especially below Bristol; extensive swamps in lower delta.
6. Ochlockonee below Lake Talquin, plus Bradwell Bay and other flatwoods swamps around lower portion


7. Extensive coastal flatwoods from in Taylor, Dixie, Levy, and Citrus counties. Large continuous forest areas from just behind the saltwater line for 5-10 miles inland, plus a large patch in east-central Levy county inland of highway 19.
8. Suwannee River (entire length) plus lowermost Withlacoochee River and Santa Fe River below I-75, contiguous with the coastal forest
9. Withlacoochee River (not the same one as #8) along the Citrus - Sumter county line
10. Upper Hillsborough - Withlacoochee area in Hillsborough, Pasco, and Polk counties.
11. Peace River from Bowling Green to Charlotte Harbor

SOUTH FLORIDA (below Lake Okeechobee):

12. Corkscrew Swamp. Beautiful and famous but more fragmented than I expected.
13. Big Cypress area. The largest patch in Florida. Especially north of Highway 41, including the Seminole and Miccosukee Reservations and Fakahatchee Strand.
14. Northeastern Hendry county, a lot of interesting looking areas, mixed forest and open land, hard to interpret from the air -- Devil's garden, Wild Cow Island, places around there.
15. Loxahatchee NWR (though it seems pretty unlikely they'd have been overlooked here)

This is some awfully heavily settled country for much to have been overlooked, but there is interesting habitat:

16. Upper St. Johns on Orange/Brevard county line.
17. Spruce Creek Swamp, southern Volusia county
18. Middle St. Johns from estreme eastern Lake county to areas surrounding Lake George and Crescent Lake. Quite a lot of nice swampland but fairly well-populated with those hairless ape creatures too.
19. Ocklawaha River in central Marion county.

And finally...

20. Lower Nassau River along the Nassau/Duval county line (including Timucuan Preserve). Fairly small and isolated.

Some interesting areas that I've heard little about.

1. Mississippi mainstem from Bolivar to Tunica counties -- many smallish forest fragments, more than in other states.
2. Delta National Forest and Panther Swamp NWR -- some of the largest forest patches in the Mississippi Alluvial corridor.
3. Big Black River, Mathiston to I-20 -- narrow but very long.
4. Mississippi mainstem and lower Buffalo River in southern Adams and northwestern Wilkinson counties -- rather extensive forests. Worth noting that this along with LA areas #9 and #10 forms a pretty good size area of almost interconnected forest.
5. Pearl River below Columbia to highway 90 (also in LA) -- primo area, very extensive, goes far beyond the portions that have been intensively explored by birders recently. Reports of possibly two Ivorybills from this area in the past few weeks.
6. Leaf and Pascagoula Rivers from McClain to I-10 -- another large area."

in short, there's a tad more work to do folks, no matter what this season's outcome (not that everyone will want to hear this)....

And from the Web Grab Bag:

NY TImes covers the sex lives of ducks here.

...or, if you can't access NY Times site go here for same story:


Monday, April 30, 2007

-- Cornell Empty-handed --

Martjan Lammertink interviewed here, saying Cornell's search of parts of the southeast is over for this season and largely empty-handed of any new evidence for Ivory-bills. He remains impressed with the habitat of the Congaree area (S.C.), where he thinks he may have heard a lone Ivory-bill double-knock, but is unimpressed with the Choctawhatchee region (the Congaree also being one of Bob Russell's top spots for potential IBWOs). Cornell will no doubt release their own official preliminary report of the season at some point.
So far as I know only the Choctawhatchee team is continuing to search well into May of this search season, and Dr. Hill is due for an update-release, if there is any news worth updating.
Reminder that the ACONE automatic camera system in Big Woods is due for a new release tomorrow as well, but seems likely there will be no Ivory-bill photos/video out of this season.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

-- Whatever --

Not much substantively to report so I'll just pass along a tidbit an acquaintance sent along to me. It's from an April 21st post on a birding listserv group in which a novice S.C. birder birding the Congaree innocently mentions the following toward the end of a routine post:
"...A couple of photographers were standing along the Weston Lake Loop in stunned silence. one told me they'd heard such a strange sound and it came from up in a tree but they couldn't find its source. She said it sounded like a "horn". As I walked on, I, too, heard some non-melodic sounds from a distant tree but left the man setting up his camera to find and record..."
At least mildly interesting given the number of rumors hailing from S.C. over the past year (...and possibly also worth noting that following their sojourn in Texas/La. it was to the Congaree that Cornell's Mobile Team rapidly returned to).

A tad farther north Jerry Condrey (who claims an IBWO-pair sighting in 2004) continues to plan for further exploration of North Carolina's Green Swamp area (near NC/SC border). He notes that not only is the habitat good, but it is largely overlooked and under-searched (IBWO habitat-focus having historically rarely gone that far north).

Meanwhile Cornell has been largely silent on any results from the Big Woods this season. Given the bashing they've taken in some quarters one could expect they might not report any gathered evidence until absolutely all 'i's' are dotted and 't's' crossed this time, but more likely their silence reflects lack of anything to report.

Lastly, although there are really no new arguments to be made in the Ivory-bill debate, Brit Martin Collinson attempts to tie together the given skeptical arguments in the form of a speculative analogy here. From all sides of the issue it's all been said before. As long as sightings claims keep coming in all we can do is watch and wait for pictures. Field notes won't do it, sketches won't do it, lengthy sightings won't do it, audio won't do it, DNA won't do it (it will have to be dated and proven uncontaminated); pictures or a dead carcass are now required.

From Web Grab Bag:

Everyone loves a mystery (warbler):

...and a fun recent post from Julie Zickefoose here, if you missed it, combining Purple Martins and Elk of all things:

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

-- Chatter?... Not Much --

Chatter to my email box has dwindled to a pittance in the last month-or-so giving me doubt that there will be any substantial Ivory-bill news (meaning photo or video) forthcoming in the final weeks of this search season. Even a photo arising from Big Woods, Choctawhatchee, or South Carolina, at this point, could be a tad anti-climactic (...for some of us anyway), so much focus has been expended there. What would truly be exciting would be a photo coming out of a less publicized area of interest (southern Fla., Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Illinois, N. Carolina) --- not likely happening this go-around.
It may be worth noting again that other than sheer luck from an automatic camera unit (and BTW,
the next release of data from the ACONE automatic camera system deployed in Arkansas is scheduled for May 1st), the only likely way of attaining a clear, indisputable IBWO photo is to locate an active nesthole, not a simple task. In fact, FWIW, I often think it perplexing that in 40+ years of on-and-off birding, and living in various parts of the country, I've never even come across a Crow's nest, despite the fact that Crows are among the most common, noisy, large, and ubiquitous birds in every area I've resided; and I've certainly stumbled upon the nests of many far smaller, scarcer songbirds along the way; the nestsites of large birds can be surprisingly elusive however, let alone cavity-dwellers.

If no conclusive photographic documentation is impending, then final summaries this season from Cornell, Auburn, S.C., Texas, USF&W, and Cornell's Mobile Team, will be more important than ever in determining next winter's far more limited exploration. There remains plenty of time and habitat to search; funding though, is yet another matter... In the meantime, intrepid, independent individuals continue their own efforts in various locales as time and practicality permits.

Grabbed off the Web:

Need caffeine?... well, take a shower:

Got kids?... now you just know they want to dissect owl pellets:

Sunday, April 22, 2007

-- Happy Earth Day --

April 22, 2007:

No IBWO news at the moment; so just Happy Earth Day !!

Tomorrow, the annual convention of the American Birding Association opens in Lafayette, Louisiana for a week --- despite the location, no full-fledged Ivory-bill presentations on the agenda.

From elsewhere on the Web :

senior citizen" Whooping Crane dies:

...want a better sense of just how small we are, read on:

And moving to yet a totally different arena, a couple of newsbits of note here:


Friday, April 20, 2007

-- New Bird Genus --

Just a grab bag article today on yet another new bird genus discovered (assuming one even trusts such biological taxonomy schemes), this time in the South Pacific:


Wednesday, April 18, 2007

-- Chew On This... --

No matter where you stand in the Ivory-bill debate ya gotta love stories like this one:

Stay tuned.... (odder things have happened).


....but enough about eating Ivory-bills --- from the Web Grab Bag:

if you eat chicken, you might want to read this:


Tuesday, April 17, 2007

-- April Sound Detections --

New update from Auburn's Dr. Hill here reporting additional sound detections (double-knocks, kent calls) from April that as he says, have "re-energized the troops."
(BTW, this past weekend I finally saw Dr. Hill's book, "Ivorybill Hunters," at a bigbox bookstore, so if any of you were still waiting for it to appear in your local areas, might be time to check again.)

....and in the just-for-fun-dept.:

Stumbled upon this old limerick : - ) on the Limerick Savant's
blogsite from back when the original Cornell announcement was made:
"Extinction is Nature's home wrecker
But thanks to an Arkansas trekker
We could save "ivory-bills,"
And no little blue pills
Are needed to bring back this pecker."
...and here an old post from a physics professor with his take on the Ivory-bill saga.


Monday, April 16, 2007

-- 2004 Jackson --

A reader sends in this link to an old (2004), but worthwhile article focussed on Jerry Jackson. Interestingly, this was written many months after the Sparling/Gallagher/Harrison sightings, but long before they were publicly announced, or Jackson was aware of them.


From the Web Grab Bag:

thanks to Laura Erickson for calling attention to this fascinating report about the possible effects of cell phones on bees, and ultimately on human food production (....just one more thing for certain skeptics to busy themselves debunking I s'pose):


Sunday, April 15, 2007

-- YouTubing --

A couple of (documentary) Ivory-bill offerings from YouTube here:


From the Web Grab Bag:

hmmm... kiss this internet goodbye, maybe??? :

...and if you love parrots like I love parrots, might enjoy this website:


Friday, April 13, 2007

-- Into the Weekend --

Some photos from the Auburn Choctawhatchee camp site showing camp leader and Pomona College graduate ; - ) Rusty Ligon, and others here.


Web Grab Bag stuff:

Birder Jim Stevenson, discussed here awhile back for IBWO matters, has now been indicted for the killing of a feral cat in Galveston, TX. months ago, in a story that made birding headlines at the time:

...and to take you through the weekend some beautifully-striking photos of Pale Male and Lola, NY city's most famous hawks (kinda makes you want to be reincarnated as a red-tailed hawk someday):


Wednesday, April 11, 2007

-- Wednesday --

'Fangsheath' and Don Kimball of Ivory-bill Researchers Forum have put together a wonderful one-stop resource for various IBWO evidentiary material/links here (thanks guys!):

... and Geoff Hill is seeking to hire a "bird counter/ivorybill hunter" for a study during the months of June/July in the Auburn area (Alabama) and the Fla. Choctawhatchee region. See his announcement here if interested.

Appended to add this from the Web Grab Bag:

I guess we know that birding has truly gone mainstream when David Sibley makes it into The Onion ("America's Finest News Source"):

-- Independent Searchers --

Yesterday I mentioned that independent searcher Richard Lyttle was asking for help with his searches for IBWOs in South Carolina. In the past, Jesse Gilsdorf has sought helpers for intriguing habitat he covers in southern Illinois, and of course Mike Collins has requested others search areas of the Pearl River, Louisiana, where he has sighted Ivorybills. Additionally now, Jerry Condrey, who, with another fisherman, claims sighting of a pair of Ivorybills back in 2004 in the Green Swamp area of SE North Carolina, is also seeking assistance for further exploration of that habitat.

If any readers are able and interested in aiding any of these folks send me your name and contact info and I'll forward it to the appropriate person. Or if any other of the many serious independent searchers out there would like to be mentioned here as seeking assistance just let me know, especially if you are in an area not frequently associated with Ivorybill searches.

I have to admit I would be at least mildly flabbergasted, but obviously delighted, if an independent researcher is able to accomplish what an academic institution or government agency, with their resources and base of funding, has been unable to do, and attain the first definitive, indisputable documentation for the species. Go for it!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

-- Mobile Team Checks In --

Cornell's Mobile Search Team finally checks in with their ventures for the last 3 weeks in parts of Texas, Louisiana, Florida, and now back to the Congaree (S.C.). Nothing real head-turning in their reports, and so far, somewhat oddly, they have bypassed promising areas of central or southern Florida. A lot of continued emphasis on the Congaree which everyone acknowledges contains excellent habitat, but which has also been one of the more heavily birded of all potential IBWO habitat over the decades.

Addendum: speaking of South Carolina, independent searcher Richard Lyttle is seeking others to assist him in looking for the IBWO within the state:

From the Web Grab Bag:

1. Who knew...? deer as destroyers of bird habitat!

2. ...and most who want to know probably already do so, but I'll mention that writer/birder Laura Erickson, after walking away from her popular commercially-sponsored birding blog several weeks back, has re-established her own personal blog here if you lost track of her or need to re-bookmark her:


Monday, April 09, 2007

-- The Week Begins --

Latest update from Auburn's Dr. Hill here. Nothing very promising to report, except that he is committed to searching through May (later than most searches), feeling that spring foliage breakout does not significantly hurt sighting opportunities (because the Choc. canopy is high enough to allow plenty of viewable space below-canopy) --- he notes that, "
some of the best ivorybill sightings by Brian Rolek and Tyler Hicks in 2005 and 2006 were made when trees were fully leafed out. I think that leaves on trees will have only a minor negative impact on most ivorybill searches." --- he does grant that sitting still and quiet, watching for big woodpeckers, while being harassed by newly-partying mosquitoes can be a challenge, however.


...and from the Web Grab Bag this:

if you're a wine-lover, you might want to thank an owl...


Sunday, April 08, 2007

-- Florida News Article --

New Florida newspaper story here. Starts off as just another review piece on the Ivorybill search, but last half a bit more interesting in at least revealing an inkling of the personalities involved as they deal with thus-far disappointing results of months in the swamp.

Ta daaaaa... a new feature (...maybe):

There's just too many fascinating things going on in the universe outside the IBWO arena to pass up... So starting this week I'm going to try a new feature, called "From the Grab Bag," which will simply be additional postings or links scattered through the week to bring up anything of interest striking my fancy (likely bird or nature-related stuff, but could be anything). Hopefully, it will add a little quirky pizzazz to the blog and treat for readers, while those who stop by here ONLY for IBWO news can simply ignore it. (I'll give it a try for 2-3 weeks and then decide if to continue.)


Saturday, April 07, 2007

-- Remote Camerawork --

In a new post David Luneau links to a page explaining a little more about processing the remote time-lapse photography of chosen cavities and scaling sites in the Big Woods. Even with some realization of how time-consuming the work must be I was rather taken aback by his mention of "over 250,000 images" to sort through from 2 weeks ago and "over 100,000" from last week (and this is only from a couple of hours of camera use per day at each site). Hope he has more than a few grad students at his disposal.