Saturday, March 23, 2024

— Note —


 OK, have gone through and deleted a slew of comments (to various posts) that were simply too sophomoric, too uncivil, too un-useful, or too non-credible to keep (it’s a shame this topic always seems to devolve this way)… and have slightly raised the requirements for commenting here (now, you must have a Google acct.), but if that doesn’t raise the level of responses enough I’ll go to full-scale moderation (where comments are not posted until they are approved). For the past several years more readers have sent me messages via email rather than through the comment channel, and I s’pose that is because they don’t want to be subjected to the counter-comments/snark they may experience... but then also, potentially useful discussion is lost.

Was planning to do an “Open Thread” next week (as many blogs do) where folks could discuss or ask about anything IBWO-related that was on their mind, and discuss among themselves, but now feel like that’s not even worth trying for the moment. :((


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