Saturday, December 11, 2021

-- Monday Night Discussion --


Slightly short notice, but for his upcoming Monday Zoom broadcast (this Monday night, 8pm EST) Matt Courtman is planning to return with Mike Collins and inviting any skeptics/critics of Mike’s work to come on board with their questions/concerns, especially in regards to Mike’s o-o-old “fly under” video which was extensively discussed in last week’s Monday Zoom.

There are several reasons (I believe) why that video, and other of Mike’s work, has never gained much traction, but this is a chance for skeptics to weigh in — I would encourage them to do so, despite their likely fear of how quickly any discussion will deteriorate, but I think Matt is trying to be an honest broker in opening the platform to competing views (while granted he has definite positive view). The invitation comes at the end of this video:

I’d especially encourage those who have followed Mike’s claims for years (actually, well over a decade) and are already very familiar with his arguments and videos to engage… but certainly those who only more recently learned of his work can join in as well.

You can check Matt’s FB site here:  

OR, this FB page will have a Zoom link on Monday:


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