Tuesday, March 05, 2013

-- One Reporter's Tale --


 A semi-interesting... if rather disappointing concluding take from an Arkansas reporter:


She's wrong about the Ivory-bill being bigger than a Bald Eagle, and wrong about it being the model for Woody Woodpecker... and I suspect wrong about more... but, oh well. 

Not certain what specifically she is referencing when she mentions in the first line a "decision... very quietly made by a group of renowned scientists" that brought the Arkansas search to an end, and "officially declared the Ivory-billed Woodpecker extinct"?  


Terry said...

Man, is that one poorly written article. 6 foot wingspan! DAMN, that is one big woodpecker! Love all the secrecy about her "sources" and the search as for the Ivory-billed as if it were one big government conspiracy.

Unfortunately, this woman's ignorance is pretty indicative of the level of ignorance for many folks, regarding issues of conservation and science. Their hatred and mistrust of government, and even science itself, blinds them to even obvious truths.

A pitifully written article, but sadly...not much of a surprise.

concolor1 said...

I agree with you, Terry...

My mother's senior citizen's book club operates on a higher intellectual plane than this gal...

Sadly, I'll bet she's a registered voter.

Unknown said...

Woody Woodpecker's characteristics are an amalgam of more than one species, but there was an episode where a fox looked through a field guide and found a picture of Woody Woodpecker under Campephilus principalis. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQEpT8LikuE