Tuesday, December 23, 2008

-- An Old Joke --


(...that just might have some bearing):

A scientist and his wife are driving out in the countryside. The wife turns to her husband and says, "Oh look over there... those sheep have been shorn."
To which the scientist-husband replies: "Why yes, on this side."


John S. Wilkins said...

No, the joke goes like this. Bertrand Russell is travelling through Scotland on a train with a friend and they are arguing about how much observation warrants conclusions about unobservables.

"So, Russell," says the friend. "There are some cows. Tell me what you know about cows in Scotland!"

"Well," replies Russell, "some cows in Scotland are black and white."

After a pause, he adds, "On one side."

cyberthrush said...

Thanks, I've never heard that version, but wouldn't doubt that's its origin... and then it got tweaked once it came across the pond.

Anonymous said...

Here's the updated version

Science editor: So Mr Luneau, what do you know about IBWOs?

Mr Luneau: Well, I done seen one. Well... kinda.

Science editor: Wow dude! That's waaaay kool. Wanna publish?

Seems we've come a long way since Bertrand Russell.

cyberthrush said...

Well, as Bertrand Russell said, "What we need is not the will to believe but the will to find out."