Thursday, March 21, 2024

-- Duly Noted --


On Facebook (few days ago), Fred Virrazzi (…in his inimitable style ;)) offers up a nice, somewhat succinct technical overview of IBWO wing-beat arguments/data here:

(I won’t vouch for every statement/conclusion Fred makes here, but his thrust is spot on, and the limited data we have from Mexico's Imperial Woodpecker, which he mentions though not spending a lot of time on, has always seemed a real exclamation point to this body of work.)



Anonymous said...

The graph does have the Imperial and in the next post the Imperial is bought up.

cyberthrush said...

Yes, I mentioned that the Imperial was included (...both in the text and the graph), but just wanted to call attention to it since it can get overlooked or buried under all the PIWO vs. IBWO comparison, and it is important — with that said I’ll also throw in the usual caution that one must always be careful with a sample size of one as in the Imperial’s case.

cyberthrush said...

For the hard-core ;)) if you haven’t visited the above link since I first posted it, you can re-visit it to read a slightly technical, partly-semantic back-and-forth between Fred and another long-time searcher, Don Scheifler in the comment section.