Couple of clips of a Pileated Woodpecker in flight posted on FB:
(there are many videos of PIWOs in flight on the Web, but these have some nice features)
[...some discussion over here:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/179784035376368/permalink/6961828803838490/ ]
another video: https://www.facebook.com/melmore/videos/1574420766314754
...and an old clip:
I hesitate to even link to it, but what the hey (will do so for those with interest in such)…. Paul Guris has a new followup post on FB including 7 brief videos of Pileateds in escape flight… a number of potential issues in the videos, and indeed I have issues with most analysis of flight style and flap rates... as well as issues with auditory evidence (kents and DKs), and potential issues with eDNA as well…. feel like a broken record, but will repeat again: IBWOs, if they exist, forage and roost…. every.… single.… day…. find a foraging site or roosthole (or nesthole), place a remote, automatic motion-activated camera on it, walk away, and let the camera do the work. Short of that, I find it difficult to imagine any sort of evidence being persuasive.
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