Wednesday, August 09, 2023

— And the Beat Goes On... —


Ivory-billed Woodpecker continues drawing lots of press in recent weeks, but I’ll only bother to pass along a couple of brief things:

1)  The American Ornithological Society is currently holding its annual meeting in Canada and Steve Latta gave a very-well-attended presentation today on the Project Principalis evidence. Certainly a great deal of interest, and I suspect at least some people had their minds opened a bit (…while some other minds are closed tight!). Haven’t seen or heard any direct feedback yet on the talk though, but will add anything significant if I come across it, in Addenda below (…or of course anyone who saw the presentation and wants to comment feel free to).

2)  Speaking of opening minds, a few weeks back long-time searcher Chris Feeney mentioned on Matt Courtman’s monthly Zoom meeting that Paul Sykes, one of the country’s premier experts on the IBWO, now is more open to the possibility of Ivorybill survival. Sykes, whose opinion is widely respected, had, after years of searching and study, turned very skeptical/doubtful that IBWOs could still persist, but recent evidence has notably loosened his skepticism. (I don’t believe Paul has publicly commented or written on the change-of-heart, but Chris knew from personal communications with him).

Otherwise, nothing I particularly want to report on right now, and still, so far as I'm aware, not a peep from USFWS (there are different possible reasons for this, but until persuaded otherwise, I'll continue to assume it indicates dissension in their ranks).


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