Saturday, July 16, 2022

— Are We Having Fun Yet!? -- After 17 Years — +Addenda


Happy Anniversary, to me! Incredibly, this month marks the 17th anniversary of this blog, which I started, envisioning a li’l news service to run for 1 or 2 years recounting the activities of an IBWO recovery program; and little guessing the controversy that would ensue, within a couple weeks of initial posting, let alone still being waged 17 years later, with many of the same arguments, theories, blather, etc. (I’ve actually started and closed about 15 other blogs over that time period, but this one is the gift that just keeps on giving! ;))  A number of key people have passed away over that space of time (...and, a number of 'skeptics' have simply left the debate in disgust!)… but others enter the fray to fill their spaces.

I naively thought that when the Cornell/USFWS and Choctawhatchee searches ended over a dozen years ago that debate might be over… unless or until another Gene Sparling-like figure suddenly came forth with another report AND photograph. Instead, after a lull in the proceedings, a number of folks (too many to mention) kept plugging away in various ways and through various channels, creating a sort of IBWO bubble, keeping hope alive, and here we are today. Indeed, a lot of skeptics simply quit following the storyline and were caught off-guard when the more recent USFWS controversy ensued. I'm still not confident of what the short-term will bring though, and we can continue with this level of evidence, this level of debate, and never-ending assurances that ‘proof’ is right around the corner, for another 20 years. But nobody ought want that (least of all those of us who won't be around for another 20 years!). 

Meanwhile, a number of the IBWO postings on Facebook are going from the ridiculous to the sublime (or, is it the other way around?), as are the current comments being sent into USFWS, not giving me a whole lot of encouragement for the rest of this year (but, who knows). Reminder: you have about 3 weeks left to get your own "claims" into USFWS during this renewed comment period, and maybe, hopefully, improved comments will yet appear -- again, IF you are sending something in that requires extensive explanation of why it is "evidence" of the IBWO... OR, that requires them to simply believe what you are saying with no authentication, OR that is "evidence" that they are already well aware of -- then DON'T BOTHER sending it (it is NOT what they want). Oy.

Anyway, in celebration of the approaching blog anniversary I’ll throw out a couple of bits which were at least good for entertainment (if you haven't already seen these on the main IBWO Facebook page). First, one of the oddest/quirkiest minor stories I’ve ever seen in covering this saga since it began!... a brief story about PBS, of all entities, prankishly inserting IBWO sounds (double-knocks and kents) into a documentary on cicadas (having nothing to do with IBWOs) — I can’t imagine what they were thinking (I constantly expect pranks and hoaxes in the IBWO realm… but from PBS!?)

Here is the original posting mentioning the story:

...and the referenced sounds start just before the 51-minute point in this video:

Second, is this wholly bizarre case of published avian species misidentification (NOT involving IBWO, but still...):

Hey, maybe the lesson in all of this is, to expect the unexpected!  ;)

Lastly, I'll close out with one of the more serious, and interesting, posts from Chris Gullickson at FB recounting how ultralights were used back during the Cornell/USFWS Big Woods search; a methodology that was mentioned, but not detailed at the time (you need to keep scrolling down and opening Gullickson's posts/description, which is interspersed with comments from others):

....enough for now



While others are sending in pics of Pileated Woodpeckers to USFWS to argue that the IBWO still exist (...oy veyyyy), the "Center For Biological Diversity" has now weighed in, almost vehemently, to say it does NOT! Download and read their comment and followup here:

While most of the stated criticisms are common and not new, I include this here so as to indicate the exasperation of the skeptical side (which I expect to only become more forceful by the end of the current comment period), and show what "believers" are up against in putting forth weak, ambiguous "evidence."


...and now an addendum to the above Addendum!:

an "anonymous" poster responds to the Center For Biological Diversity with the usual counterpoints (by inserting objections into their own article). Not sure how much of this sort of back-and-forth I'll keep linking to, should it continue, but these two reads somewhat give the overall flavor of the debate as it currently holds.

Be interesting to see how many more responses arrive in the 3 weeks remaining for comments.

ADDENDUM (again)  7/19:

Sheeesh, a 2nd addendum in one day, in what should be a quiet summer on this topic… the long-hyped, overly-anticipated Bobby Harrison video (from Oct. 2020) is now out. It can be seen starting around the 11-minute mark in this 54-min. piece from Matt Mendenhall of Birdwatching Magazine:

Again, does nobody understand English anymore! What USFWS wants is visual evidence that requires no explanation — that, upon viewing, will be agreed by all to be an Ivory-billed Woodpecker (and shown forensically not to be faked); it doesn’t have to be pristine, just easily recognizable, like billions of other photographed birds. This isn’t it; this isn’t even close, nor even close to being close. The variables, problems, issues, questions, etc. are too many to even approach, but no doubt others will.

Again, chances are that NO video of this species in brief flight will ever be adequate to ‘prove’ its existence.  Repeating what I’ve said before: we need photos/video of this bird PERCHED on a trunk, on a limb, on a log, at a hole…. the way it spends the majority of its day, day after day after day after day.

But now this will be the debate du jour for this week until the next deep-analyzed video comes along... and then maybe the next... and the next... and the......

[BTW, I want to be clear that I'm not questioning whether or not Bobby has seen the IBWO, even multiple times, I'm simply acknowledging the huge gaping, exasperating difference between sighting the bird and offering conclusive evidence of having done so.]

added:  the USFWS has now posted Bobby's presentation to them (essentially identical to the Birdwatching Magazine version, just with an additional comment by Tim Gallagher at the end):

(I'm debating whether or not to even write about the issues I have with the video, most of which will probably be voiced by various skeptics as it is, and I don't really want to be feeding them any material!)

BTW, in some ways Harrison's clip is reminiscent of the brief film clip the Auburn team took at the Choctawhatchee back in the day (and released quite late, because they knew how unconvincing it was) -- not sure if it's even still available anywhere(?); Bobby's is better but in a few ways similar.


FAV said...

CT, you are beyond out of the loop at times. The USFWS requested Bob to present that as they have requested others to present "additional new information".

My group has received a request (see below); would you like us to respond----- a Mr. CyberThrush says "it's not proof" or its "not new" and the USFWS doesn't need it?

" Consistent with our authority under section 4(b)(6)(B)(i) of the Endangered Species Act, on July 7, 2022, we extended the statutory deadline for finalizing our determination on the status of the ivory-billed woodpecker for an additional 6 months to solicit additional information based on the substantial disagreement regarding the sufficiency and accuracy of the information relating to the proposed rule. During the current public comment period on the 6-month extension that opened on July 7, 2022, and will close on August 8, 2022, we are interested in meeting with you to discuss the information mentioned in your comments during the previous public comment period. "

cyberthrush said...

Well, what you call a “loop” I might call a bubble in which a lot of craziness gets ricocheted around, risking making the ‘believer’ camp look even more naive and looney than it is already perceived by so many serious birders.

Again, of course USFWS will accept any evidence folks care to present (as can be seen in the multifold PIWO photos being sent their way) but what they clearly would like, in their own words (in order NOT to de-list), is:
“…new information during the 30-day reopening, including clear video or photographic evidence of the presence of the ivory-billed woodpecker that can be repeatedly interpreted the same way by independent observers…”
Thus far NOBODY has provided that.