Saturday, October 16, 2021

-- More Stuff... --


When it rains it pours… after some years of bloggish dormancy, news keeps coming for the moment… though I expect after the USFWS final decision at end of November things will slow down once again (no matter which direction the decision takes, and I don't believe there is anything forthcoming, short-term, that will move the needle on their decision).

Anyway, a few links or mentions for now:

1)  Mark Michaels implies in a note that he and/or the National Aviary that employs him will have something further to say publicly about their research (in La.) and the USFWS proclamation before end of Nov.

2)  In a prior post I mentioned J. Christopher Haney’s forthcoming book on the IBWO and cognitive aspects of the search. His recent appearance with Matt Courtman for IBWO discussion is available here (~90 mins., but you can speed through some parts):

...and on this coming Monday (10/18) Courtman will have another Zoom discussion, this time with ornithologist (and Choctawhatchee searcher) Geoff Hill:

3)  And can’t neglect to mention that Mike Collins, who once spoke of throwing in the towel on the IBWO debate, is back with another new paper here, in an open-access journal:

…it’s mostly a rehash of his rehashes of his rehashes (and I don’t mean that as a putdown, but just as a warning to folks well-familiar with his work and arguments, that most of this 34-page paper you will have read before, though this gives a nice re-overview), but it does contain one new idea… and Mike is nothing if not an idea-generator.

His new notion is to focus on acoustics and employ A horizontal array of microphones” that  “would make it possible to detect weaker sounds and determine the directions of sources. This approach has the potential to lead to the discovery of a nest, and it might be more effective if the array is placed above the treetops, where sounds might propagate to longer ranges.”

Anyway, read it all for yourself; makes for a nice review of both some IBWO history as well as more recent events/arguments... as for finding a nest hole, well, don't hold your breath.

...and one last note: with all the publicity the Ivory-bill has once again received in the last month, its picture plastered all over the press once more, you can pretty much count on yet a new flurry of (mistaken) "sightings" coming from the public-at-large. So beware.


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