Monday, February 12, 2007

-- Keep 'em Comin' --

Well, the Ivory-bill blogs just keep on comin', and I must say this one looks pretty promising : - ):

This Gnarls Pagan fellow sounds like someone I could sip some Beaujolais with.

hmmm... let's see, is Pete Dunne behind this (he never stops writing), or does someone on Team Nokuse have way too much time on their hands????


Julie said...

Thanks for the great link to Ivory Billed Septic. I love this blogger and all his/her comment-makers (if I do say so mysef). It will be a daily visit. It would be great if it got enough hits that when you googled "ivory billed" it came up, like that other similarly named blog.

John L. Trapp said...

This is great satire, ct. Thanks for sharing.

cyberthrush said...

satire?... SAAATIRE???... OHHHH, now I get it!