Tuesday, January 13, 2009

-- Odds 'n Ends --



Fish and Wildlife biologist Bob Russell promises he is completing an updated Top 10 list of places to look for Ivory-bills, and may even throw in a Top 10 list of where to look for the Eskimo Curlew as a bonus (...you know, for those who will be bored stiff once the IBWO is documented ;-) The possible two-fer that has always interested a lot of people, and remains on some folks' mind, would be finding Bachman's Warbler while looking for the Ivory-bill (there have been a few suggestive leads for Bachman's last couple of years, but, surprise-surprise, nothing conclusive).

1 comment:

salar53 said...

Bachman's Warbler AND The Ivory-billed Woodpecker? Now that's interesting. Michael K. Steinberg in his recent book "Stalking the Ghost Bird" refers to retired Wildlife Professor Bob Hamilton who claims to have seen and heard both Bachman's Warbler and the IBWO.
Match that!