Saturday, February 17, 2007

-- Interesting --

Well now, this is interesting... more high technology at work in the search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker: two high-tech robotic cameras have been installed in the Big Woods area of AR. specially programmed to scan the skies and snap pictures of overflying birds that might meet the characteristics of an Ivory-bill; hard disks are removed regularly (by D. Luneau) and results analyzed by birders. Sounds a bit far-fetched at first, but apparently has met the serious muster of those involved, as yet another jointly-based techie tool in the ongoing endeavor.
A couple of articles relating the story are here:

....a-a-a-and fierce, unbridled septicism (and unabated mirthmaking) continues to emanate from here.
(where, for those who have followed the internet IBWO debate from the get-go (and know the many Web players and arguments), the 'comments' sections are virtually funnier than the posts.)

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