Saturday, May 30, 2020

-- Kenn Kaufman Ponders... --


Renowned birder Kenn Kaufman attempts a fair-minded answer to the question of the Ivory-bill's existence:


ADDENDUM:  In a comment below “John” references a graph of Hz levels for IBWO kents that didn’t make it into his comment. Here is the graph (and I assume this is based on the IBWO calls recorded by Cornell originally at the Singer Tract, but I'm not clear since it specifically references Mennill/Proj.Coyote data):

Friday, May 08, 2020

-- Open Thread --


I’m pretty distracted with everything else going on in the world these days, so only happened to check the blog a few days back to discover 60+ comments (still continuing) on the last post — probably only a few individuals involved, but still will start a fresh “open thread”  here if anyone wishes to begin anew with some IBWO-related discussion (or you can continue at previous post if preferred, but I think hard to follow).

I will ask 2 things (just for lack of time though, will try to stay out of things):
1)  please don’t engage in personal attacks on other interested parties, and
2)  I’d prefer if those using the “Anonymous” tag would still give themselves a "label," at beginning or end of comment, to make it easier to read who is saying what to whom about what. Label could be “Abe Lincoln” or “R-9348172-MWX4” for all I care so long as you use it consistently, so your comments (and who you're responding to) can be more easily tracked.
